Vice President



Currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of H-E-B Federal Credit Union with over 30 years of financial institution experience, current Board member and Vice Chairman of American Plant Food Corp, Board Member and Treasurer of Christian Unity Ministries. Have served as Deacon Chairman, Deacon and Lay leader at Churchill Baptist Church. Currently member and Council member at Lifehouse Church. Served on Mission teams in Peru, Guatemala, and El Salvador with Children’s Hunger Fund. Came to know the Lord and was Baptized at the age of 20 . My wife Christi and I have been married for 29 years and have 2 adult daughters.
- I was raised in a home where I knew about Jesus Christ. At age twelve asked Jesus to come into my heart and was later baptized.
- Have served as a deacon for over 35 years, taught Sunday School, and upon retiring in 2016 began leading a Wednesday Bible study for Senior adults at church.
- Jesus has placed a burden on my heart for lost souls and am encouraged with what He is doing through Dick Senter Ministries.
- My wife,Lilia, and I have been married for 43 years. We are blessed with three children and six grandchildren and pleased that my family knows Jesus personally.
- Have been a member of Churchill Baptist Church in San Antonio for 18 years where I serve as a deacon and in other roles.
- Serve on the China Strategic Mission Team that is comprised of other San Antonio Baptist churches involved in outreach to south China. Have had the opportunity to go on an International Commission project in central America and hope to work additional projects.
- Came to know Jesus as my Lord as a 10 year old through the guidance of my family.
- Recently retired from 44 years as an insurance claims adjuster, having founded and run an Independent Adjuster firm for the last 20 years.

Dick Senter Ministries Board of Directors
Jim Warkentine
San Antonio, TX
Jim Kerr
Parker, TX
Newton Buckley
Allen, TX
Marsh Gentry
San Antonio, TX
Dave Harris
San Antonio, TX
Jeff Wood
Allen, TX
Don Ford
San Antonio, TX
Ronny Cooksey
Albuquerque, NM
Tom Markee
Mount Vernon, WA
Hal Camp
Allen, TX
James Armstrong
Merritt Island, FL