National to National Project in The Philippines

- Dick Senter Ministries partners with International Commission providing money from people like you to implement National-to-National (N2N) projects. A N2N project is a unique strategy to train, equip and enable nationals from outside of the United States to become effective “fishers of men” and to make disciples.
- The first N2N was conducted in 1992. Since then leaders worldwide have stated that a N2N project is one of the most effective strategies to reach unbelievers, make disciples, and grow churches. The effectiveness of N2N projects only continues to grow.
- The essence of N2N projects is training, equipping and enabling of a first generation to share Christ and disciple new believers. This generation then trains, equips and enables the next generation. It is one of the greatest stewardship opportunities for building the kingdom of God today.
- N2N projects are effective because nationals can:
- Go to where many Americans can’t! Some countries are closed and others are too dangerous for Americans.
- Go at a lower cost than Americans. Potentially, for every $1.36 given for a N2N, someone will accept Jesus as their Savior.